The readings and the discussion boards have enriched my understanding about the learning process for adults. I found the exchange of ideas refreshing and stimulating. I wonder how vibrant it would have been on a face-to-face discussion.
As the course progressed, it gradually re-confirmed that no matter what educational and cultural background we come from, we are well capable of learning and utilising different learning styles. No one learn using one learning theory. Each one of us passes through different stages of learning: from concrete to abstract concepts. What makes a huge difference is how a concept is introduced such as building it from a concrete phase and gradually taking it into an abstract level. As a child, I surely used a lot of repetition in learning my multiplication table and rote memory learning nursery rhymes. I knew from an early stage that I would not be successful in learning through this style alone. So as I acquired more skills and knowledge, I sought out opportunities that provided transfer of knowledge and skills. Though it might be demanding to move out of my comfort zone, I realised it was more productive and stimulating. It leads me to seek possibilities beyond what I can imagine and as a consequence be enhanced by different perspectives. I am aware that learning is a lifelong process and it encompasses all aspects of our lives including relating to others especially with those who are dear to us.
I found working on the learning matrix rather informative and it made me reflect on my learning style which is a concoction of various learning theories. As a consequence, I was constantly checking on my teaching style and the strategies that reinforced my preference of teaching. This course gave me a venue to hear what works for others and how a strategy can be used to avoid making the same mistakes.
As an educator, I think that it was easier for me to understand the underlying aspects of learning theories and their styles. Nonetheless, theories are useful if they can be applied well in a classroom setting. In the past while I was in college and even while I was studying in Italy, I found learning theories a futile exercise where instructors and students discussed scenarios endlessly without making a difference in my learning. Perhaps due to the stimulating readings along with vibrant discussions, I found the combination truly captivating. As our discussions moved on to technology and its role, I appreciated its use to enhance teaching and learning. However, it is very challenging to implement technology in a school such as mine where provisions for proper hardware maintenance, software updates and IT support are scarce.
I think we should have stayed longer in discussing motivation in online learning. The readings appealed to my quest to further comprehend online learning. I thought that this topic alone could hold a whole course. It would be curious to see different strategies people use to cope with online studying and how as IDs we can help solve these issues especially in motivating distant learners. I thought the Keller’s ARCS was a good point in our discussion. It helped me focus my attention to what is essential in making my teaching accessible to my learners and draw out the best in them.
I think that it is important as a future ID to be a keen observer on how students learn and how a concept is acquired through the process of encoding, storing and retrieving by applying it in real life situations. The various readings on educational technology enhanced my previous knowledge of integrating technology in teaching and learning. This course made me aware of the pros and cons of online programmes though I might not have any opportunity to hold online classes at the moment. Based on the readings and discussions, I know that I will still prefer a face-to-face interaction such as workshops or training rather than an online programme. I very much prefer to see the expression and the immediate reaction of people I work with. I find that online responses can be misunderstood and clarification can take time to happen. I would prefer to offer workshop trainees a combination of online and face-to-face interaction for a more balanced programme.
Thank you for taking time to reply to my discussions and for giving me constructive feedbacks for my blogs. I thought uploading blogs were great and an excellent way to use technology in sharing your ideas.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Fitting the Pieces Together
As I read through my discussion notes of the 1st week, I realise that I have remained anchored to constructivism. It was fascinating to read and to be enriched by the various exchanges on the discussion board. I believe that behaviourism is present in the early stages of our learning when skills need to be developed and strengthened such as reading, writing or learning the basic mathematical operations. The use of rote memory is part of it, too. However, I firmly believe that to take repetition and rote memory a step further, we must allow students to apply it in their daily lives giving them opportunities. This last step provides for a venue for abstract and concrete concepts to make connection in their minds.
I think that connectivism is an offshoot of social learning theory wherein the learner can make associations from various sources of information: incorporating technology, face-to-face interaction and print information such as books, magazines, etc.
As an educator, I can see that I have an array of learning styles to use. In developing skills, I have behaviourism where repetition is used to reinforce a skill. I have become more aware of how the mind works, and its potential. Constructivism as well as Social Constructivism play an important role in my learning process and therefore is translated into my teaching. As an Instructional Designer, it will surely shape how I design programmes. I have no doubt that each one of us creates our own concept of the world based on our experiences with people and the world around us. No matter how I present a topic, learner interpretations will inevitably vary. I suppose we learn and utilise various learning styles depending on what we want to learn: a skill or knowledge and understanding. The secret is to know which ones maximise learning.
Technology plays a vital role in my learning. I don’t think I will be able to work without it anymore. Digital cameras allow me to capture images that enhance understanding in a multi-lingual classroom. I use applications or software to make movies. Technology enables me to store files and other documents for personal, professional use. I listen to audio books whenever I cannot read. Ebooks lighten the luggage whereas real books are bulky. I download applications that help me work faster and more efficiently. Blogs provide intellectual stimulus and give me a global perspective on how people think and feel about certain topics. Learning to me has become fun with technology, especially when I can access sites that provide professional development;,, and other sites that are refreshing and stimulating. Lastly, technology allows me to search on anything under the sun and explore any topic to understand better how things work with click of a finger.
I strongly believe that by integrating technology I can reach all learners, and provide engaging activities that enrich their experiences.
I think that connectivism is an offshoot of social learning theory wherein the learner can make associations from various sources of information: incorporating technology, face-to-face interaction and print information such as books, magazines, etc.
As an educator, I can see that I have an array of learning styles to use. In developing skills, I have behaviourism where repetition is used to reinforce a skill. I have become more aware of how the mind works, and its potential. Constructivism as well as Social Constructivism play an important role in my learning process and therefore is translated into my teaching. As an Instructional Designer, it will surely shape how I design programmes. I have no doubt that each one of us creates our own concept of the world based on our experiences with people and the world around us. No matter how I present a topic, learner interpretations will inevitably vary. I suppose we learn and utilise various learning styles depending on what we want to learn: a skill or knowledge and understanding. The secret is to know which ones maximise learning.
Technology plays a vital role in my learning. I don’t think I will be able to work without it anymore. Digital cameras allow me to capture images that enhance understanding in a multi-lingual classroom. I use applications or software to make movies. Technology enables me to store files and other documents for personal, professional use. I listen to audio books whenever I cannot read. Ebooks lighten the luggage whereas real books are bulky. I download applications that help me work faster and more efficiently. Blogs provide intellectual stimulus and give me a global perspective on how people think and feel about certain topics. Learning to me has become fun with technology, especially when I can access sites that provide professional development;,, and other sites that are refreshing and stimulating. Lastly, technology allows me to search on anything under the sun and explore any topic to understand better how things work with click of a finger.
I strongly believe that by integrating technology I can reach all learners, and provide engaging activities that enrich their experiences.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Reflection on my mind map

From an early stage, I was mindful of what to read, whom to be with and the learning experiences I was about to embark. I enjoyed being alone as I loved reading, taking walks and painting watercolours. This attitude was largely influenced by my father’s work.
As I took bigger steps in life, I realised that books were no longer enough and my paintbrush was not sufficient to express my thoughts and contain them. As I moved from one international school to another, my perspective of socialisation changed thus my way of learning too. I had an opportunity to meet all sorts of teachers from different parts of the world who shared their cultural heritage with me in their way of teaching or relating with me. Some of them have become true friends till this time. As to my peers, due to the constant change of classmates for their parents’ job transitions, I learned to communicate through letters and whenever possible our families would meet to spend holidays together or half way in an airport.
Now with the onset of email, skype and chatting, suddenly, friends I haven’t met for the longest time can be easily reached. Internet has brought down huge barriers of time and space. Initially, I wasn’t keen on using networking sites such as facebook or multiply. However, I realised that people move often due to work or circumstances and this manner of keeping in touch provides a good venue to meet in cyberspace. I use chat rooms often especially in KZ where the network is slow and at times unreliable.
I am a visual learner and I learn best combining visual and audio stimuli. It’s interesting how I incorporate this vision in my teaching and workshops. I use audio books a lot and use images from the internet, iPhone or iPod to acquire knowledge. Internet has been an excellent resource for anything from recipes to blogs for researches, wikis or forums for troubleshooting technology issues.
I think connectivism is an offshoot of the social learning theory which incorporates the reality of technology and its use in expanding one’s knowledge. Even in a remote place such as Kazakhstan, internet is becoming an integral part of communication and its way of life. I can see a nomad using his iPhone to find his way or to send emails to his relatives so they can prepare food and accommodation for him. Living her confirms that my understanding that all cultures learn no matter in what form or language.
The three components of Connectivism such as Chaos Theory, Importance of Networking and Complexity and self-organisation are truly present in my learning curve at the moment. Living side by side with this culture, I become more aware that events may not seem related but for a series of events, it does make sense to them because what might be illogical to us – with a western background can be logical in this culture. I can also see that I am enriched from this culture in the same way that I am enhanced by my networking through cyberspace. Due to our lifestyles that needs to be interlinked together, complexity and the need to self-organisation is essential. For some cultures, self-organisation is not really essential in adult learning because it doesn’t exist in their mentality. The culture depends on a bigger entity like the government to organise life for them so when it no longer does its job; everything else falls apart. I can see that connectivism can be another “highway” in passing on knowledge but does it really apply to all cultures.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
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